bite-sizeD SIM-learning

Welcome to NESTFIG's bite-sized e-learning page. Here you will be able to explore common and hot topics relating to simulation, medical education, human factors/ergonomics, non-technical skills and more.

The work here will continuously be updated. Something missing? Why not write for us and add to a growing resource pool. Get involved via our GET INVOLVED or CONTACT US pages.

Simulation 101

Non-technical skills

Stress & Fatigue
Cognitive Biases
Confidence & Imposter Syndrome

Patient Safety - hf/e, qi, hi

Human Factors & Ergonomics
Learning from Adverse Events
Safety II & Just Culture
Systems & Complexity Thinking
Quality Improvement
Healthcare Informatics


Gamification 101
Points, Leaderboards & Badges
Storytelling and the Hero's Journey
Serious Games
Player Types

Medical education

Communities of Practice
Social Identity Theory
Escape Rooms
Learning Styles
e-Learning / Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)